Media Gallery - Japan Graduates Recruitment



Nitkertz's training programme video on "Strategic Problem Solving & Decision Making Skills", making sound and timely decisions is an essential skill regardless of your profession or hierarchical level in the organisation. Yet, flawed decisions abound because every aspect of a serious decision is fraught with subtle pitfalls that can result in irreversible harm and resource waste. Recent research proved that intensive training and deliberate practice tip the balance in favor of high-quality decisions that save valuable resources. Small investments in learning about decision-making and problem-solving processes can help making better choices with profound positive effect on outcomes.






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This practical workshop provides you with proven skills and tools to make high-quality decisions and improve your problem-solving performance. You will hone your skills and practice, in a safe and supportive milieu, with situations ranging from urgent decisions on inelastic deadline to complex and extreme events requiring elaborate diagnosis and tough consultations. The focus is on critical thinking and objective judgment applied on relevant exercises and case studies from the real world. You will build a unique expertise to objectively address the avalanche of requests for action and attention. You will increase your ability and confidence to craft and present decisions to management, clients and others.