Corporate Trainings - Management
Management Development
Programme provides new strategic perspectives and develops practical
skills that are critical to the professional success of mid-level
administrators. The institute teaches you to think beyond the
confines of your own area of administrative responsibility and
demonstrates how to lead in ways that support larger institutional
goals. You will gain a deeper understanding of how different
institutional units function and will be able to incorporate broader
strategic considerations into your day-to-day management decisions.
Management Development
Programme prepares you to become
a better leader of your unit, department or college, as well as a
more valuable contributor to broader institutional objectives.
Management Development Programme
will enable you to spend less time "putting out fires" and more time
providing forward-thinking leadership.
Our management development programme is based on the highly
effective John Adair's Action-Centred Leadership model. This model
provides a great blueprint for leadership and the management of any
team, group or organisation.
Action Centred Leadership is a simple leadership and management
model, which makes it easy to remember, apply and adapt for your own
We support managers to be effective in the three main areas of the
Action Centred Leadership model, so that they can use each of the
elements according to the situation.
Being able to do all of
these things, and keep the right balance, gets results, builds
morale, improves quality, develops teams and productivity, and is
the mark of a successful manager and leader.
We can also offer a wide
range of training interventions, such as Assertiveness, Dealing with
Difficult People, Interviewing skills or Presentation skills, the
list is long so,.. If you don't see what you need please contact us.